Saturday, 11 February 2012

~Knowing Mr. Photosynthesis~

Learning Biology is FUN! Photosynthesis doesn’t need to be hard~

1) Definition: Process by which plants and some single-celled organism produce sugars from sunlight and carbon dioxide.
Then the sugars become food for cellular respiration.

2) The process occurs in chloroplast. 

3) It involves - light reactions and the Calvin cycle.
       Converting light energy to chemical energy.

Occurs in presence of light
Occurs in grana
(Photolysis of water)

Occurs in light & dark
Occurs in stroma
(Formation of glucose)

4) Light reactions convert sunlight to ATP and NADPH.

5) The Calvin cycle uses ATP and NADPH to convert CO2 to sugar.

At the end of the process:

6 water molecules + 6 CO2 = 1 sugar + 6 oxygen molecules


  1. I always had problems with plants last year. haha
    now it makes sense (:
    especially for the calvin cycle diagram
    no longer got confused.
    but hey, I can still use this for my pre-u programmes (:
    thanks !

  2. Yup!! Diagram will be much simpler and easier to understand. (which i know that what you've done)..
